The Yavneh Academy middle school was fortunate to celebrate Color War 2021 this past week. Breakout occurred right after tefillah on Wednesday. The generals and teams were introduced. Bereishit, Shemot, Vayikra, Bamidbar and Devarim were this year’s theme. For three days the sixth, seventh and eighth graders enjoyed events at the Paramus Library with a treat of the ice cream truck. Other events included Escape the Room, ultimate trivia, GaGa, wacky relay races and basketball challenge. On the last day, all the teams presented their projects outdoors. Teams presented gorgeous banners, creative Chesed Tank ideas and energetic stomps to name a few. The entire middle school enjoyed a scrumptious pizza lunch outdoors and the winner was revealed via a balloon reveal ceremony. The Yellow team, Sefer Bamidbar, won this year’s Color War. A great time was had by all!