Yavneh Academy finished first place in the Stock Market Game in the Northern New Jersey division fall game, as well as the year-long game of 2018-2019. The first place team for the fall session of the Stock Market Game was Sophia Esses, who ended the session with $119,400.50. The winning team of the year-long game was Mason Bernheim, Avery Greenblatt and Jared Zimbalist. This team ended the year with an equity of $123,942.52. This team also won the award for making the most money in the year-long game, competing against other middle school and high school teams. Both teams were under the guidance and leadership of Don Cutler, a”h. Cutler guided these students in the workings of the stock market and the best methods to make the most money. Yavneh Academy dedicates this win in his memory.