YBH has been exploring ways to enrich and expand the horizons of its students’ educational experience. Last fall, students approached the middle school teachers with an idea: if one period one day a week could be carved out for a variety of mini courses, the students would have the chance to experience a diversity of classes not typically offered in a school day. The YBH teachers were on board, and each identified an area of personal interest or talent to share with students. The seeds of innovation were planted, and after many hours of planning the logistical parameters of this program, the Wednesday Enrichment Program was launched this March. With the generous support of the YBH PTA, middle school students registered for a course from the menu of offerings.
The following courses were offered as part of this program: advanced learning, baking, robotics/coding, martial arts, fitness, needlepoint, performing arts, strategy and stock market games.
So far, the program has received accolades from students and teachers alike. Many students have also shared ideas for future courses. There has been a the high level of engagement of the students and outstanding creativity and commitment of the faculty.