(Courtesy of Yeshivat Noam) In order to accommodate an increased number of foursomes, Yeshivat Noam hosted a very successful outing on Monday at a new location, the Edgewood Country Club in River Vale.

The Summer Outing included over 120 golfers and 30 women who joined for special events for a day of activities and socializing while raising money for financial assistance. The event was co-chaired by veteran parent volunteers Shlomo Hagler, Noam Insler, Akiva Romanoff and Ross Rothenberg. The women’s events included an exercise class by Noam parent Carrie Eckstein and an art class making beautiful resin challah boards with New Leaf Events.

The guests all raved about the swag, which included JBL speakers, hats, sponsored by Solomon Financial Group, LLC; hoodies by Ulrich Studios; golf towels by Injurylawyer.com; golf balls by Genie Energy; and golf tees by TD Bank. Major event sponsors included: Injurylawyer.com; Solomon Financial Group, LLC; Winne Banta; Beadsmith; Chase Bank; Cross River Bank; Genie Energy; Steve Adelsberg & Co.; Stein, Adler, Dabah, Zelkowitz, LLP; New York Water Management; The Romanoff family; TD Bank; and Ulrich Studios. Several generous tee sponsors also contributed to the success of the day.

Throughout the day the participants enjoyed delicious meals including omelets for breakfast, a lavish barbecue for lunch, and sushi for dinner by Noam parent Avi Levenbrown of Madison Caterers. One of the many highlights of the day was an annual celebrity guest, Jonathan Gellis, event founder. Gellis, who made aliyah with his family, made a special effort to attend and support Yeshivat Noam.

Congratulations to the Summer Outing winners! Dr. Moshe Wertenteil on winning the Putting Green Contest. The putting green was generously sponsored by Stein, Adler, Dabah, Zelkowitz, LLP. The winning players with an impressive score were David Gibber, Mordy Kuessos, Jason Eisenman and Josh Rosenbloom. Rosenbloom also won both Longest Drive competitions.

The day concluded with lots of smiles as raffle names were announced and prizes were distributed to over 22 package winners. According to Amy Vogel, director of development and communications, “The Yeshivat Noam Summer Outing is an important fundraiser to support the Yeshivat Noam Scholarship Fund, and it was very successful thanks to the generosity of the players and sponsors.”