Yeshivat Shalshelet, the first yeshiva day school for students with language-based learning differences, has developed over the last two years in an extraordinary way and is set to commence an outstanding third year this fall, growing its enrollment by over 50%, with nearly 50 students this coming year. Shalshelet has spread its roots at the beautiful facilities at the Kaplen JCC on the Palisades, taking advantage of what the JCC has to offer.
Under the continued leadership of Head of School Shulamit Roth, Shalshelet’s growing team includes two new administrators, Rabbi Ronn Yaish, who joins as principal, and Dr. Celina Kravic, Shalshelet’s new director of psychology and social-emotional learning.
“I am excited and proud to welcome Rabbi Yaish and Dr. Kravic to the Yeshivat Shalshelet family,” said Roth. “I am confident that they will make wonderful additions to our incredibly skilled and accomplished faculty, and together we will provide an even stronger foundation for our students to reach their full potential.”

Rabbi Ron Yaish, Principal
Rabbi Yaish is an experienced mechanech and administrator, well-known for his professionalism, warmth, creativity, and thoughtful commitment to his students and the development of the whole child. He comes to Shalshelet with over 25 years of experience in both formal and informal education, most recently as the middle school co-principal at Yeshivah of Flatbush. In addition to receiving rabbinical ordination, Rabbi Yaish earned a Master of Education in administration and supervision from Loyola University Chicago and an MBA from Seton Hall. Shalshelet is fortunate that Rabbi Yaish will also teach in middle school, benefitting its students in and out of the classroom.
Dr. Celina Kravic,
Director of Psychology &
Social-Emotional Learning
Dr. Kravic will lead and oversee counseling groups and clubs, and develop Shalshelet’s social-emotional and advisory curricula, among other responsibilities. Dr. Kravic earned her bachelor’s in psychology from Boston University and her Ph.D. in clinical psychology from FDU. She comes to Shalshelet with extensive experience in schools, hospitals and private practice, working with individuals and their families struggling with learning disabilities, ADHD and anxiety, among other mental health challenges. She has trained and worked in well-known clinical settings and served as the clinical psychologist at Sinai RYNJ for many years. She has also worked in private practice conducting comprehensive neuropsychological and psychoeducational evaluations with children, adolescents and adults to better understand their cognitive, academic, behavioral, emotional and social functioning.
Shalshelet is also excited about the growth of its speech and language department, led by Director of Speech and Language Aliza Salamon, as the school welcomes two new speech-language pathologists, Yael Gerszberg and Lindsay Winfield.
Yeshivat Shalshelet continues to grow in the lower grades as well as adding a seventh grade this year. To maintain the appropriate staff-student ratio, Shalshelet welcomes Jennifer Dugdale, Danielle Eisen, Moshe Golubtchik, Alayna Higdon, Shira Kroopnick, Stacey Levine, Arielle Mandel, Shoshana Ringer, Zahava Schwechter, Leba Silver and Sophie Tager to the Shalshelet faculty.
“As we enter our third year, our growing staff is excitedly preparing for our new and returning students,” said Roth. “Through the extraordinary efforts of our talented faculty, we are inspired by our students’ academic and emotional growth and development and look forward to another incredible year.”