February 22, 2025

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Zera Shimshon on Parshas Ha’azeinu

יִזְבְּחוּ לַשֵּׁדִים לֹא אֱלֹ’ אֱלֹקים לֹא יְדָעוּם חֲדָשִׁים מִקָּרֹב בָּאוּ לֹא שְׂעָרוּם אֲבֹתֵיכֶם:
 (דברים לב:יז) יִזְבְּחוּ לַשֵּׁדִים לֹא אֱלֹ’ אֱלֹקים לֹא יְדָעוּם חֲדָשִׁים מִקָּרֹב בָּאוּ לֹא שְׂעָרוּם אֲבֹתֵיכֶם: (דברים לב:יז)

“They will sacrifice to demons who are not gods …” (Devarim 32, 17).

Rashi, in the name of the Targum, explains, “Are not gods: they are completely powerless. If they would have some power, Hashem’s anger would not be so great.

This Rashi implies that Hashem is less angry at someone who serves an avodah zara that has some power, than one who serves an avodah zara that is powerless and useless.

Zera Shimshon quotes mefarshim who say that the midrash contradicts this. On the pasuk, “Why are you angry at Your nation (who worshiped the golden calf) …” the midrash comments, “Moshe said, ‘Ribbono shel Olam (Why are you angry with them)? This calf that they built can help You! You will make the sun shine in the morning and it will bring the moon out in the night. You (will be in charge of) the stars and it (will be in charge of) the constellations …’ Hakadosh Baruch Hu replied, ‘You also erred with this calf, it is completely powerless!’ Moshe answered back, ‘If so, why are you angry at Your nation?’”

From this midrash, we see the opposite; that when Bnei Yisrael defers to an avodah zara that is useless — there is no reason for Hashem to be angry!

Zera Shimshon begins by saying that even though that, on the surface, it does appear that Rashi is contradicted by the midrash, we find a proof to Rashi in the Gemara.

It is written in the Gemara Avodah Zara (55a) that Agrippas the general asked Rabban Gamliel, “Why does the Torah that write the reason to be careful not to serve avodah zara is, ‘For Hashem, Your Lord is a devouring fire, a jealous God,’ (Devarim 4:24).” A wise man is only jealous of another wise man, a mighty man is only jealous of another mighty man and a rich man is only jealous of another rich man? Why, then, is Hashem jealous of objects of idol worship, which are useless?

Rabban Gamliel answered with a mashal of a person who married a second wife in addition to his first wife. The first wife feels more anger and is more jealous of a second wife only if the second wife is less distinguished than her. However, if the second wife is more distinguished than her, she understands her husband and is less angry.

This is exactly what Rashi wrote!

Zera Shimshon concludes that, in truth, there is no machlokes (disagreement) between Rashi, the Gemara and the midrash. All agree that Hashem is angrier when bnei Yisrael serves useless avodah zara than if they would have some use. Moshe’s argument was that there was no reason for Hashem to be angry with the gGolden calf, since it was powerless was because bnei Yisroel didn’t expect the golden calf to be god — a replacement of Hashem. They continued to serve and worship Hashem. They only looked to have a new leader (to replace Moshe). Moshe, therefore, argued that since it was totally useless, there was no reason to get angry at them. If they wanted to replace Hashem, it would be very insulting to be replaced by a nothing. However, since they were only looking for a helper to Hashem, Moshe argued that there was no reason to be angry.

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