Darkness and Light in Florida
Adapted from the sermon Rabbi Goldberg gave last Shabbat to his congregation, Boca Raton Synagogue. Reprinted with permission from the author. When we send our
Adapted from the sermon Rabbi Goldberg gave last Shabbat to his congregation, Boca Raton Synagogue. Reprinted with permission from the author. When we send our
Retirement can be a real blessing—no more commuting, no more big project deadlines, no more hectic business trips, no more office politics, much less stress!
This week the Association of Jewish Attorneys (AJA) officially launched after a year-and-a-half of careful research and planning. The AJA’s Executive Director, Sara Weinberg, JD,
“I think I can, I think I can, I think I can…” Just like the childhood story of “The Little Engine That Could,” the Kushner