Dveikut as the Antidote to Uncertainty, Part I
Author’s note: I have included a tribute to Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks, zt”l, in this article. May his memory be for a blessing. Over the
Author’s note: I have included a tribute to Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks, zt”l, in this article. May his memory be for a blessing. Over the
I heard the news while doing what I generally do Friday afternoons: squeezing in too many errands too close to Shabbos. I was at the
Countless individuals and families, and we amongst them, were saddened by the sudden announcement of Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks’ death on Shabbat, 20 Cheshvan, 5781
I went to shul feeling sad. I had just heard that Rav Dovid Feinstein had been niftar. I did not know Rav Dovid; I may
Much is discussed and written about leadership. Historically, the Jewish people crave effective, responsible and dignified leaders. This has been especially evident, again, during the
Rav Dovid was my rebbe for 60-plus years, and I had a relationship with him that was very beneficial for me. I would bring all
Racheli Finkelstein is studying at Michlalah in the Bayit Vegan section of Jerusalem. She was born and grew up in Teaneck and attended the Rosenbaum
(Courtesy of Nefesh B’Nefesh) “Instead of being a family goal, making aliyah became more of a personal goal and wish,” said Gavriella Greene, whose parents
Andrea Samet is the owner of Custom Point, an innovative, one-stop needlepoint destination in New Rochelle. Specializing in needlepoint Judaica, Samet’s repertoire of custom designs
Editor’s note: We are pleased to present the inaugural installment of our own contributing editor Michael Feldstein’s new column, “Meet Me in the Middle.” Back
Reviewing: “Cornerstones: The Bible and Jewish Ideology” by Rabbi Hayyim Angel. Kodesh Press. 2020. English. Paperback. 224 pages. ISBN-13: 978-1947857438. There’s a joke that two
Self regulation, according to Wikipedia, is the ability to respond to the ongoing demands of experience with the range of emotions in a manner that