Drisha Offers New Zoom Classes
(Courtesy of Drisha) The theme of Drisha’s spring 2021 term is Halacha, with various classes covering the history, philosophy and practical aspects of Jewish law.
(Courtesy of Drisha) The theme of Drisha’s spring 2021 term is Halacha, with various classes covering the history, philosophy and practical aspects of Jewish law.
(Courtesy of SAR) SAR’s Anniversary Dinner has for more than 50 years been the celebratory highlight of the year for the community. Traditionally, this event
(Courtesy of NJJPOC) On January 21, the New Jersey Jewish Public Officials Caucus hosted a briefing on the Abraham Accords for elected officials in the
Dr. Sema Bank Goldstein, Teaneck resident; her sister Sara Bank Wolf of Beit Shemesh and brother Eliot Bank of West Orange; together with their mother,
Reviewing: “Fruits of Freedom: The Torah Flora Hagadah,” By Jon Greenberg, Ph.D., TorahFlora Publications. 2021. ISBN-13: 978-1-09835-775-7. It has been asserted that the Passover Seder
Tamar wanted a fairy-tale wedding. The beautiful flowing white dress, the big wedding cake, the simcha dancing. A shiny part of that dream was a
Rabbi Sacks, zt’’l, had prepared a full year of Covenant & Conversation for 5781, based on his book “Lessons in Leadership.” Our parsha takes us
The past year shook the world. Humanity faced a pandemic, the likes of which only occurs every hundred years. Locked in battle with an invisible
Part II Location of the Halachic Dateline: Sephardic and Chabad Approaches Last week we introduced Rav Mordechai Kuber’s spectacular new three-volume collection titled “Crossing the
Last year on Shabbat Parshat Mishpatim, the Agudas Yisrael Bircas Yaakov, a shul in the Passaic/Clifton community, hosted a Shabbat with singer Shulem Lemmer. It
The contrast between the two parshiyot is startling. Last week’s parsha, Yitro, records the scene of Matan Torah—the most powerfully spiritual moment in Jewish history—when
I once heard a story from R’ Zecharia Wallerstein, about two friends who were once on an expedition to climb a tall mountain. Into their