Rabbi Abba bar Zavda: Sukkah 25
The Mishnah (Sukkah 25a) relates that one engaged in a mitzvah is exempt from the obligation to sit in a sukkah. Thus, when Rav Nachman
The Mishnah (Sukkah 25a) relates that one engaged in a mitzvah is exempt from the obligation to sit in a sukkah. Thus, when Rav Nachman
Of the many life cycles that we mark, the yahrzeit is probably the one that is most filled with bittersweet emotions. “Yahrzeit” is a Yiddish
We all know that very shortly (11 minutes!) after the Jewish state was declared on May 14, 1948, President Truman announced that the U.S. recognized
Many obituaries have been written about Rabbi Dr. Shimshon Isseroff, z”l. He passed away right before Shabbat Hazon, which was only appropriate since he was
מיכאל לב בן שאול וציפורה January 28, 1976 – July 24, 2021 26 Shevat 5736 – 15 Av 5781 (Courtesy of the Jeser family) The
Over the years, many people have asked me what it is like to be the nephew of a famous celebrity. Indeed, till this day, there
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Highlighting: “The Remnant: On Burning Wings—To a Displaced Persons Camp and Beyond,” Michael G. Kesler. Vallentine Mitchell & Co Ltd. Paperback. 168 pages. 2021. ISBN-10:
Vered Adoni has been an assistant prosecutor in the Bergen County Prosecutor’s Office since 2008. She served in various capacities until finally finding a home
He was fiercely ideological and partisan, but in times of crisis, he always put the interests of his country ahead of ideology and party. Winston
Yiddish. I have heard the language since my earliest childhood in shul and summers at my grandparents’ bungalow in Seagate. I should have picked it
When Shira Golomb first started selling wigs in her mother’s living room in Teaneck just nine years ago, she had no idea what would lie