TCA Fifth Graders Present Makot Fair
As a culmination for learning the makot in Parshat Vaera and Parshat Bo, the fifth graders at TCA presented a Makot Fair. Each group of
As a culmination for learning the makot in Parshat Vaera and Parshat Bo, the fifth graders at TCA presented a Makot Fair. Each group of
Mazal tov to the RYNJ kindergarten yeladim who received their first Siddur! The yeladim sang and davened with such enthusiasm in front of their parents
On Thursday evening, June 2, a year long interdisciplinary learning project of the TABC 12th grade Holocaust Studies class taught by Cary Reichardt and Rebecca
The first graders had an amazing adventure at the Tenafly Nature Center! They learned about the pond and how it was recently expanded. They got
Chana Stiefel, a local author, shared her love of writing with grade five students and encouraged students to persist through the editing process. Stiefel also
WDS fifth grade had their first annual fifth grade siyum. Students researched various role models from their curriculum and explained how they as future middle
Third grade Irving Montak SINAI@SAR students held a special Rashi breakfast for parents and guests, alongside their SAR peers, learning and playing a student-created game
This year’s graduating class at WTA was first introduced to Summit Learning when they were in the fifth grade. This innovative computer learning platform has
The BPY second graders work hard all year long growing their writing muscles. By the end of second grade, they grow accustomed to the routines
As a culmination to this year’s Chumash Vocabulary League (CVL), middle school student winners from each sixth to righth grade class faced off in JKHA’s
This past month, talmidim in Rabbi Daniel Staum’s shiur celebrated a siyum at his home after completing Maseches Tamid. The boys felt a sense of