Yeshivat He’Atid Fifth Graders Are Impresarios
Completing their study of the novel “Sign of the Beaver,” the fifth graders were tasked with turning a scene in the book into a play.
Completing their study of the novel “Sign of the Beaver,” the fifth graders were tasked with turning a scene in the book into a play.
RPRY eighth grade boys and girls chemistry class made oobleck for Marvelous Monday in science this week. They made the oobleck to demonstrate different principles
The JEC Lower School students prepared for Thanksgiving with a variety of activities and programs. The Early Childhood students decorated doughnuts to look like turkeys,
In three months, high school seniors will choose a college to attend. Fellow writer and longtime friend Akiva Chevitz labeled this choice “The Decision.” It
Turkeys, snowmen and even a band made appearances at the now annual MDS Robot Thanksgiving Day Parade, brought to you by the third grade. Over
The halls are alive with the sound of ruach! The week before Thanksgiving, every class from toddlers to eighth graders showed their BPY spirit at
After reading the book “The Hundred Dresses,” in which the main character was teased for always wearing the same faded dress, JKHA second graders organized
Nearly 300 students and over 100 guests made Ma’ayanot’s Thursday night mishmar program extraordinary on November 17.. Misphacha Mishmar, organized by Judaic Studies Assistant Principal
Bruriah had its first Points to Ponder program, a school-wide, interdisciplinary initiative that will take place four times a year. Each season, a question is
This past Thanksgiving morning, Heichal talmidim had the incredible privilege to welcome students’ grandfathers for a morning of learning and shiurim alongside their own personal
On Wednesday, November 16, the TABC science department hosted alumnus Daniel Shlian ‘12, who recently earned his PhD in experimental chemistry and currently works as
Twenty two RKYHS students chose to participate in a 12 hour hackathon with fellow students at RKYHS. Working in groups, students were tasked with developing