The US-Israel Relationship
I have had the privilege of spending a lot of time with people from New Jersey’s various Jewish communities. During these visits and discussions with
I have had the privilege of spending a lot of time with people from New Jersey’s various Jewish communities. During these visits and discussions with
On Thursday, February 16, Naaleh dressed in pink to show their support for Sharsheret, a non-profit organization that provides resources and support to those affected
Two long-time friends from West Orange are “putting the soul back into matchmaking” with their newly launched site www.jewishsoulsmates.com. (Note the extra “s” between “soul”
In honor of the extraordinarily important work of Shasheret, Yeshivat He’Atid celebrated Pink Day. There was a sea of pink throughout all the school hallways.
Rosh Chodesh Adar/Purim is in the air. Wowee. Thank You Hashem Nation has put out a couple of timely tunes: “Purim All Year,” a leibidig
Can you imagine making three spectacular weddings, with over 1,000 guests at each one, in two months? Neither can I. But that’s what Emily Gerszberg
Sharsheret Pink Day at Yavneh Academy began with a presentation to seventh and eighth graders by Bonnie Beckoff and Yael Gevertzman, both of whom work
(Courtesy of Prizmah) A major new initiative from Prizmah:Center for Jewish Day Schools and the Jewish Education Innovation Challenge (JEIC) aims to take action and
Part I In an interview I conducted in the Tel Aviv home of the renowned Israeli historian of the Hasidic movement Dr. Isaac Alfasi, he
Yeshivat Frisch dressed in pink for Sharsheret Pink Day on Wednesday! In addition, the following day after school, over 100 students attended a special Girls
Innovative new projects will provide opportunities for lawyers and doctors to serve the community. (Courtesy of Touro University) Community service and innovation are hallmarks of
(Courtesy of JFSCNJ) Sincere thanks to the Jewish Educational Center’s (JEC) High School students, escorted by Rabbi Ariel Zafarani (center), who volunteered in the JFS