Feeling the Fear
It is one of the most enigmatic episodes in the Torah, but also one of the most important, because it was the moment that gave
It is one of the most enigmatic episodes in the Torah, but also one of the most important, because it was the moment that gave
Benefitting from Meat and Milk Often, pet food contains a mixture of meat and milk. Since the Torah forbids not only cooking and eating milk
Being part of the “third” generation is difficult. The first generation innovates. The second generation consolidates. The third generation often squanders the achievements of the
I had a friend who after he got married lived in a gorgeous apartment in Eretz Yisrael. It was owned by his in-laws, but they
This week’s parsha describes Yaakov arriving at Shechem “shaleim, whole” (Bereishit 33:18). Rav YY Jacobson asks: “What a gift it is—to be whole, complete. To
A brayta on Bava Kamma 31a discusses a case of potters or glassware merchants walking behind one another. The first one stumbled and fell, the
A brayta on Bava Kamma 31a discusses a case of potters or glassware merchants walking behind one another. The first one stumbled and fell, the
In the times of the Alter Rebbe, Reb Shneur Zalman of Liadi, the Baal haTanya, a newly married man was spending his days learning in
Parashat Vayishlach So….when did we start reading the haftarah; that is, during which historical period did the custom of reading a selection from the Neviim
Parashat Vayishlach begins as Yaakov sends messengers ahead, apparently to assess to what extent Eisav is still a danger. However, to Yaakov’s surprise, his messengers
לעילוי נשמת יואל אפרים בן אברהם עוזיאל זלצמן ז”ל Question: I was not sure if during Birkat Hamazon (BHMZ) after seuda shlishit, I said R’tzei
By day, Dr. Boruch Adler is a dentist. No one ever doubted that he could drill deep (in order to remove all decay). But who