February 16, 2025

Linking Northern and Central NJ, Bronx, Manhattan, Westchester and CT

500,000 Jews Uniting Next Week for Shidduchim On ‘Tu B’Av Together’

On Friday, Tu B’Av, August 16, at 10 a.m. EST, join over 500,000 Jews from around the world uniting together in tefillah for shidduchim—Tu B’Av Together.

One moment. 500,000 Jews. Together for shidduchim. Tu B’Av Together.

Tu B’Av has become synonymous with tefillah for shidduchim. Once again, with the blessings and encouragement of gedolei Yisrael, Yad L’Achim presents their annual project, “Tu B’Av Together,” a global day of tefillah uniting Jews from across the world.

We often ask ourselves, what can we do for our friends and family who are single? If we knew that a few minutes of our time would lead to our loved ones becoming engaged, we would surely take the few moments…

On Friday, Tu B’Av, August 16, at 10 a.m., Jews wherever they are will stop whatever they are doing for a few moments and recite eight perakim (chapters) of tehillim together, in the merit that all singles in klal Yisrael find their bashert.

Simultaneously, a minyan of talmidei chachamim, messengers of Yad L’Achim, will be davening in Amuka, the resting place of the holy Tanna Reb Yonasan Ben Uziel, on Tu B’Av for all who submit their names to Yad L’Achim. There is no minimum donation required to submit the names of your single friends and family members for tefillah to the talmidei chachamim.

All names submitted will also be given to Rav Chaim Kanievsky, shlita, for a bracha. (Names can be submitted for free through the special website set up for this occasion, www.TuBavTogether.com.)

The talmidei chachamim will be davening for several hours, and at exactly 10 a.m. EST they will lead the global tefillah for shidduchim by reciting kapitlach

ל»ב,ל»ח,ע›,פ»ב,קכ»א,קכ»ד,קכ»ז,קכ»ח (Psalms 32, 38, 70, 82, 121, 124, 127, 128)

together with over 500,000 Jews from across the world! At that exact time, thousands of Yidden from around the world will unite in tefillah so that all singles find their zivug hagun b’karov.

Yad L’Achim is launching this worldwide initiative as a merit for the women and young adults rescued from the Arab Villages, that they marry bnei Torah. The gemara writes in Maseches Taanis: “There have never been such good days for klal Yisrael like Tu B’Av and Yom Kippur.”

Yad L’Achim has received many emails from young men and women who are now engaged or married after participating in last year’s worldwide tefillah.

Yad L’Achim director R’ Nesanel Gantz, who came up with the idea several years ago, commented on this year’s event: “The excitement is truly unprecedented this year. We have had over 50 leading rabbonim and leaders make videos encouraging people to join Tu B’Av Together. People from across the U.S. and dozens of countries have reached out to us that they will be participating in this year’s tefillah.”

“Let’s get together this Tu B’Av and make it Tu B’Av Together!”

Please tell your friends about this global day of tefillah and help spread the word about “Tu B’Av Together!”

At www.TuBavTogether.com you can

Submit names for tefillah in Amuka—for FREE

Download the Tehillim to be said on Tu B’Av Together

Watch Inspirational Videos about Tu B’Av Together by:

Rav David Ashear

Rav Shmuel Dishon

Rav Reuven Epstein

Rav Eytan Feiner

Rav Motte Frank

Rav Menachem Genack

Rav Yom Tov Glazer

Rav Warren Goldstein

Rav Dovid Goldwasser

R’ Yossi Green

R’ Charlie Harari

Rav Y.Y. Jacobson

Rav Bentzion Klatzko

Rav Yaakov Klein

Rav Paysach Krohn

Dr. David Lieberman

Rav Yisroel Majeski

Rav Eli Mansour

Rav Ilan Meirov

R’ Moe Mernick

Rav Yaakov Oelbaum

Rav Jonathan Rietti

Rav Joey Rosenfeld

Rav Y.Y. Rubenstein

Rav Ephraim Schapiro

Rav Elchonon Schoff

Rav Fischel Shachter

Rav Benzion Shafier

Rav Moshe Taub

Rav Shais Taub

Rav Zecharia Wallerstein

Rav Moshe Weinberger

For further information, call Yad L’Achim at 1-866-923-5224 or visit www.TuBavTogether.com.

By Mishael Mordechai


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