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October 16, 2024
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Stars Shining Above a Beautiful Chuppah

The excitement of a grandchild’s wedding seems to increase each time we are blessed with an additional simcha. Remembering the day that our granddaughter Tamar was named at the Fifth Avenue Synagogue and now walking down the aisle at her wedding manifested with totally different expectations. When a baby is born and named you pray that she will grow up to be a healthy, happy and inquisitive young child who blossoms into a beautiful young woman.

Certainly in the case of Tamar our prayers were more than granted.

Following in the path and under the tutelage of her beautiful mother and father she has surpassed any expectations that we could have had.

Lo and behold time has passed and within the past year Tamar was fortunate enough to meet her soul mate, Isaac Aronoff, all the way from Englewood. Isaac grew up in a family with similar traditions to our family. He experienced great warmth and love from his parents, grandparents and siblings. The only major exception is that Tamar has a very large extended family of aunts, uncles, cousins and second cousins of which Isaac is now a member, and he grew up with his siblings and a smaller extended family.

What more can parents, grandparents and family members want than to see that their child is happy and that she has chosen a mate who will care for, respect and love her for the rest of her life?

Much preparation enters into the planning of a wedding. The date, the venue, the music, the photographer, the flowers, the gowns and clothing, the makeup, the hair and I cannot even imagine what else went into this event. I cannot believe that I got married with just a schmear of lipstick, and I stayed married for quite a number of years. “The world—it is a-changing.”

Anyone who has attended a simcha at the Marina del Rey knows that its greatest charm is that it is located on the water, directly on the East River between the Throgs Neck and Whitestone Bridges. Not even the smorgasbord has changed in the 30 years that I can remember having attended smachot there (with the best onion rings).

However, this chuppah was much more special to our family and to me as hung above it was the tallis of Isaac’s grandfather and that of my beloved Mordechai, who was an amazing father and grandfather. He is with me every second throughout the day, but seeing this actual physical reminder of him above Tamar and Isaac during the holiest time of their life together made me feel comforted that he would be watching over them. We are fortunate that he did get to meet Isaac prior to his passing.

I looked up at the stars later in the evening and was sure I saw one twinkling down at me, which I know had to be him reminding me that he is never far away.

To Tamar and Isaac, the bracha that Zaidie and I wish for you is to have a marriage similar to ours, based on honoring, respecting and loving each other throughout every day. Keep reminding each other on a daily basis how fortunate you are to be together.

Mazel tov.

Nina Glick can be reached at [email protected].

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