On Monday night, at Yeshivat Noam, there was a heated 3-on-3 basketball tournament for the middle school girls. Thirty girls, across sixth through eighth grade, joined together for more than two hours of non-stop, competitive, basketball fun. Teams were specifically designed to have a girl from each grade to encourage them to bond and socialize. By the end of the night, there was only one team of champions, but more than 30 girls enjoying pizza and the fact that they collectively raised more than $1,000 for United Hatzalah of Israel. Congratulations to the tournament winners: Tali Sladowsky (seventh), Tehila Teitelman (sixth) and Emme Wallach (eighth). Thank you to the four eighth graders who initiated the idea and organized the event: Libby Fischer, Yakira Schnall, Talia Benedict and Lily Hirsch. Thank you to Coach S. for encouraging the students to lead this important initiative and helping run the event.