TABC’s talmidim prepared for the Yamim Noraim by engaging Hakadosh Baruch Hu with their intellect as well as their hearts. A packed Beit Midrash was the scene for the first late night learning of the year. The night began with a Tanach shiur by Rabbi Ezra Wiener, part of a new initiative to emphasize the importance of Tanach study in TABC. After dinner, Rabbi Nosson Rich engaged the students with a shiur on whether or not there is a mitzvah of simcha on Rosh Hashana, which was then followed by a round robin of shiurim by various rabbeim on the davening of Rosh Hashana. Everyone joined back together for a lively and leibedik kumzitz led by the very popular Mordechai Shapiro. The singing led to dancing, which was incredible! Chulent and sports finished off a great night together as a yeshiva. The boys left energized and ready for a year of growth in Avodat Hashem.