Hi! Last week’s logos were the Batman symbols, and most of you, after trying some puns with me (“Batziat Mitzrayim?” “Battin’ 1.000 with the makot?” etc.), hit on “The Dark (K)night” as a wordplay reference to Choshech. Well played everyone!
Now, can you tie these in to this week’s parsha? And a shtickel also to this weekend in the larger culture? Oh, I’m sure you can…wing it. I have faith in you. Shabbat shalom, y’all!
For years now, Martin Bodek has been wearing cufflinks themed to the week’s parsha to stimulate conversation around the Shabbat table. Naturally, it begged for a wider audience and The Jewish Link seems like a perfect home—especially in name. Every week, we’ll present the cufflinks, and you tell us how it ties into the parsha of the week. Email your guesses, educated and otherwise, to [email protected] and we’ll publish the best and most creative answers a week later. Have fun!