Hi! You enjoyed last week’s Knicks puns, didn’t you? I got more groans and eye-rolls on my walk to shul than ever before. Mission accomplished! Some of you divined the relationship to the knickers (best English translation for it) that were part of the Kohen’s ensemble. The rest of you eye-rolled along.
I’ll keep it simpler for this round. There’s a lot going horn in this week’s parsha, but how do these figure into everything? Your answer could be a comedy haor tragedy. Wink! Shabbat shalom, everybody!
For years now, Martin Bodek has been wearing cufflinks themed to the week’s parsha, to stimulate conversation around the Shabbat table. Naturally, it begged for a wider audience, and The Jewish Link seems like a perfect home—especially in name. Every week, we’ll present the cuff links, and you tell us how it ties into the parsha of the week. Email your guesses, educated and otherwise, to [email protected] and we’ll publish the best and most creative answers a week later. Have fun!