Manhattan Day School students were greeted by a wall of kindness on Rosh Chodesh Kislev. Students shared appreciation for their teachers and for the MDS
Manhattan Day School students were greeted by a wall of kindness on Rosh Chodesh Kislev. Students shared appreciation for their teachers and for the MDS
Gan Henel has been prepping for Thanksgiving by making projects and the children are so excited to pregame in school with a little Friendsgiving celebration.
Being thankful for their blessings is an important theme discussed often at Lubavitch on the Palisades Preschool prior to Thanksgiving and all through the year.
Yeshivat He’Atid nursery students had fun getting ready for Thanksgiving while engaging in many interactive and sensory activities. They painted with corn, played with corn
The yeladim at Kol Chaverim Preschool in Fair Lawn love fall. Children enjoyed collecting leaves for their sensory bins. They have been watching the weather
As an artistic representation of their appreciation, Yeshivat Noam second graders created Thanksgiving turkey glyphs.
Cheder Yaldei Menachem has been busy exercising a very important life skill this week. Following Yaakov Avinu’s example in the parsha, children got to work
One of the hallmarks of MTA is the “Names Not Numbers©” course, which is taken as a senior elective. Approximately two-thirds of the grade typically
On Shabbos November 10-11, 65 TABC students descended on Fair Lawn for TABC’s community shabbaton. Several times a year, TABC students and faculty bring the
Ma’ayanot’s recently enhanced and expanded Health Science Elective Track has embarked on an engaging journey. The ninth grade class, “Pathways to Health Sciences,” has successfully
Rabbi Kenny Schiowitz visited some of the Ramaz Upper School alumni at the Columbia/Barnard Hillel to learn together, offer chizuk and catch up. The learning
Ohr Yisroel talmidim had the opportunity to hear a first hand report from the front lines in Israel this past. Beloved Rebbe Rabbi Elon Soniker