RPRY Students Help Set Up ‘The Empty Shabbat Table’
RPRY eighth grade girls, always looking for an opportunity to help, had the opportunity last week to set up “The Empty Shabbat Table” project that
RPRY eighth grade girls, always looking for an opportunity to help, had the opportunity last week to set up “The Empty Shabbat Table” project that
Heichal HaTorah’s Mashpiah and Rav of Congregation Israel of Springfield Rav Chaim Marcus, traveled to Eretz Yisrael this past week to offer encouragement and strength
RKYHS had the distinct honor of welcoming Rabbanit Chana Henkin to school during her brief visit to the U.S. Rabbanit Henkin addressed juniors and seniors
In a heartwarming display of solidarity and support, the high school boys initiated a now weekly event to say the entire Sefer Tehillim nine times
The pre-k class of the Lauren Elise Bier Nursery School wrote cards for the soldiers in Israel, telling them how brave they are and thanking
Netivot’s lower elementary students began their study of space starting with the life cycle of a star. When beginning a new unit, they first have
In honor of Parshat Vayera, Avraham and Sarah joined BPY’s early childhood’s Kabbalat Shabbat. The children got to be guests in their tent allowing Avraham
After months of hard work during practices and rehearsals, Stamford’s Bi-Cultural Hebrew Academy of Connecticut pulled out all the stops last weekend, as the BCHA
Yavneh Academy Gan students learned about the Dutch painter Piet Mondrian. The young artists then got to work and painted their very own Mondrian creations.
The RYNJ Parshas Vayera “Tent Event” is always a highlight! All classes are welcomed into the beautiful tent of Avraham and Sarah where they are
Yeshivat Noam gathered for an Appreciation Parade for the local Paramus Police Department and Yeshivat Noam security team. To show hakarat hatov, the entire school
In honor of Parshat Vayera, Yeshivat Shalshelet learned about the mitzvah of hachnasat orchim. Each class prepared activities and treats to welcome other classes into