Israeli Children’s Fund Initiative Launched for Orphans From Hamas Attack
Israeli high-tech entrepreneurs are banding together to raise funds to fill critical gaps in trauma care for the children who lost parents to terrorism. (Courtesy
Israeli high-tech entrepreneurs are banding together to raise funds to fill critical gaps in trauma care for the children who lost parents to terrorism. (Courtesy
(Courtesy of Kupath Rabbi Meir) Before Simchat Torah, Shmuel and Rochel lived comfortably in a small Yerushalayim apartment with their four children. Every day, Shmuel
(Courtesy of Haas & Zaltz) As most individuals realize, creating an estate plan that includes a revocable trust, pour-over will, property power of attorney, health
Highlighting: “It’s Okay to Be Scared” by Sari Kopitnikoff. “Sometimes, we have to write and illustrate a book in under a week. This was one
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This past week, BPY’s pre-k students are continuing to learn, explore, research, investigate and have fun with Parshat Bereishit. While learning about day number one,
Last week JEC Primer learned about different things that Hashem created in the world, including clouds and rainbows, which connected to Parshas Noach. They learned
On Monday of this week RPRY students celebrated the completion of Masechet Chagiga and with it Seder Moed, as part of their Mishna Yomi learning.
Eighth graders went on a leadership retreat to Camp Bernie in Port Murray, New Jersey, enjoying a team and community building respite from day to
Yavneh Academy early childhood students were excited to welcome the animals from Animal Interactions Farm to school in honor of Parshat Noach. The children observed,
Ma’ayanot’s unique sophomore STEAM curriculum, Making a Difference, has been selected as a partner site for National Science Foundation-funded research into women in STEAM fields.
At 9:30 a.m. every morning, all the staff and students of Yeshivat He’Atid stand in their classrooms and either recite a perek of Tehillim, a