All JKHA students have been writing and sending letters to children in southern Israel who have been displaced, as well as to those serving in
All JKHA students have been writing and sending letters to children in southern Israel who have been displaced, as well as to those serving in
The past week has been one of the hardest for Am Yisrael in many many years, but sparks of Jewish joy continue to spread light
Throughout the week, SAR Academy students beautifully expressed their unwavering support for Israel. Never before have studnets gathered on the steps for 10 mornings in
Yeshivat Shalshelet students proudly joined over 30 yeshiva day schools from New Jersey and beyond to unite virtually in tefillah for the safety of Eretz
RKYHS students have been showing up in a number of ways to support Israel. A contingent of RKYHS students and faculty attended the Community-Wide Rally
Westchester Day School hosted a meaningful and successful community gathering and toy drive in support of Am Yisrael! Over 200 people joined together to package
SINAI students are united in their support of Israel during this difficult time. At SINAI@JKHA, students painted pictures to be photographed and emailed to schoolchildren
Last week, Naaleh students undertook a series of dedicated activities to show their unwavering support for Israel. They added extra study sessions during lunch breaks,
Students have prepared hakarat hatov packages of baked goods, breakfast items and treats to thank the people who work tirelessly behind the scenes to help
Under the guidance of Rabbi Avi Rosalimsky, Heichal’s newest addition to the student life department, Heichal talmidim organized and packed essential items for the IDF
In addition to davening for the people of Israel every day, students from primary through middle school wrote heartfelt letters to the soldiers protecting our
TABC students pack supplies for chayalim.