In chess, interference is when the connection between an attacked piece and its defender is interrupted by interposing a piece between them, often sacrificially. This
In chess, interference is when the connection between an attacked piece and its defender is interrupted by interposing a piece between them, often sacrificially. This
In chess, a desperado is when a piece that is going to be lost captures an opponent’s piece before it is captured to win back
In chess, Overloading the Defender is a tactic in which a defensive piece is faced with another threat which it cannot guard against while still
In Chess, attraction is the idea of attracting an opponent’s piece to a square where it can be further attacked or tactically exploited, often by
In chess, “removing the guard” is a tactic in which you capture or forcibly move a defensive piece from your opponent’s position, leaving one of
In chess, a clearance sacrifice is a tactical sacrifice of material to open up a square, diagonal or file, which can then be used to
In chess, a Mating Net is the concept of using one’s pieces to constrain the movement of the opponent’s king and prevent it from escaping
In chess, Zugzwang, German word meaning a compulsion to move, is a moment in the game when it is one side’s turn to go but
In chess, Zwischenzug, a German word meaning “in between move,” is an intermediate move to which one’s opponent must respond before playing the expected move
In chess, Danger Levels, a concept coined by the popular chess streamer and YouTuber GothamChess, is a moment when your opponent is attacking you, but
Editor’s note: We welcome Ethan Feder as a bimonthly chess columnist. With “The Link’s Gambit,” he seeks to provide both educational and entertaining chess content