Terumah 5775: The People’s House
Though it was God’s house, it never became His Majesty’s Temple. The Mishkan was the very first people’s house. God commands Moses to accept contributions
Though it was God’s house, it never became His Majesty’s Temple. The Mishkan was the very first people’s house. God commands Moses to accept contributions
The Jewish people are notoriously quarrelsome; in the famous words of Moses: “stiff-necked.” This was seen as a positive quality by the Almighty. After all,
It may well be—after Joseph’s famine relief planning agency—the next most crucial creation of a government bureaucracy in history. Yisro teaches Moses that he can’t
The desert rising on two sides, the great sea in front, and the mightiest cavalry on Earth is in a bloodthirsty, vengeful charge at their
“Men of factious tempers, of local prejudices, or of sinister designs, may, by intrigue, by corruption, or by other means, first obtain the suffrages, and
It might merely be apocryphal. Still, it’s viewed widely as LBJ’s “Aha” moment, when he realized it was over. Supposedly, after watching journalistic icon Walter
While at the river with her ladies-in-waiting, the Egyptian princess discovers a Jewish infant. Aware of her father’s decree, she nonetheless rescues–and names–Moses. Raised in
“A politician is a person with whose politics you don’t agree; if you agree with him he’s a statesman.” – David Lloyd George, 20th Century