#BDSfail: American BDS Advocates Visit Israel, Take Selfies, Use Amenities
(israellycool) Anti-Israel nincompoops of the day: On Tuesday, November 10, at 11:30 am, Jewish Americans CODEPINK activists, Ariel Gold, of Ithaca, NY, and Ariel Vegosen,
(israellycool) Anti-Israel nincompoops of the day: On Tuesday, November 10, at 11:30 am, Jewish Americans CODEPINK activists, Ariel Gold, of Ithaca, NY, and Ariel Vegosen,
American Friends of Bet El invites the community to enjoy an educational and informative evening with two remarkable heroes of Israel—presidential candidate Mike Huckabee and
Amid a wave of terrorism that has killed 11 Israelis and injured more than 100 in just the past month, Erez Geller, a regional paramedic
“Give18” Campaign Launched Ahead of Chanukah Season Teaneck—After watching the latest flare-up of violence in Israel on TV screens and reading daily reports about the
On Thursday, October 22, the dedication of the newly renovated Jacobs Family Solarium on the Women’s League Pavilion at Daughters of Israel took place. The
Teaneck child actress Sophie Knapp appeared on the Dr. Oz Show on Thursday.
The seventh annual Sharsheret “Pies For Prevention” Thanksgiving bake sale is going on now. Baked goods are prepared with certified-kosher ingredients in local kitchens. Sharsheret
The two most senior participants in the Torah in the A.M. program were honored on Thursday, November 5. Morris Zimmerman turned 90 that day. Likewise,
Kami Kalaty, a New York resident, ran the TCS New York City Marathon with Team Lifeline in memory of his daughter, Sarina. Shortly after Sarina
On Saturday night, November 7, the Young Israel of Teaneck hosted a concert featuring Eitan Katz. The crowd of almost 250 people filled the synagogue