March 10, 2025

Linking Northern and Central NJ, Bronx, Manhattan, Westchester and CT

Martin Bodek

For years now, Martin Bodek has been wearing cuff links themed to the week’s parsha, to stimulate conversation around the Shabbat table. Naturally, it begged for a wider audience, and The Jewish Link seems like a perfect home—especially in name. Every week, we’ll present the cuff links, and you tell us how it ties in to the parsha of the week. E-mail your guesses, educated and otherwise, to [email protected] and we’ll publish the best and most creative answers a week later. Have fun!

Articles by Martin Bodek


Did you feel the earth move under your feet last week? Then you totally got what I was referencing with my spinny-globe cufflinks. Nice work!


Hi! I’ve been accused of offering up too many layups. Maybe I watched Nikola Jokic too much. So let’s make this a little more challenging


Good news! I’m fresh out of puns after last week’s barrage. This makes certain people who have a fear of dad jokes (I’m coining a


Chag sameach! We won’t be leining a specific parsha this week, but the show must go on, amirite? I’ve got the layup of layups for


Hi! Last week’s cufflinks were the crossed swords (Fun fact: hockey fans asked me why the buffalo was missing from the Sabres logo), because the


Hi! Last week’s cufflinks were the arba minim from Sukkot, because the parsha goes into the detail for the chag. Many folks over Shabbat thought


Hi! Last week’s cuff links were the emblems for the House of Hufflepuff. I’m sure you know where that’s from. The tie-in was Parshat Kedoshim’s

Acharei Mot/Kedoshim

Hi! Lots of folks had some very creative responses to last week’s cufflinks, which had the doves on them. Taking flight to the arei miklat,


Hi! Enjoying all that chometz, I take it? Well, it does seem like it’s been forever since we last played, but it’s really only been

Cufflink for the Chag

Hi! Last week’s cufflinks represented the leavened bread offering that one may have overlooked in the flurry of korbanot that were discussed in the parsha,

Parshat Tzav

Hi! Last week’s cufflinks were the hands in the precise formation of the “yolo” or “shaka” symbol. Interestingly enough, it is the same as the

Parshat Vayikra

Hi! Last week’s cufflinks were the paper clips, which, funnily enough, people think are a makeshift way to keep my sleeves together after the original