What Nobody Talks About—God
As religious Jews, our lives seem to be governed by the observance of laws, mitzvot. We go through life thinking such thoughts as: Is this
As religious Jews, our lives seem to be governed by the observance of laws, mitzvot. We go through life thinking such thoughts as: Is this
I was disturbed reading of the following criticism of the Orthodox community by Rabbi Joseph Soloveitchik. The Rav discussed in his teshuva lectures the gap
Rabbi Shimon ben Gamliel said in the name of Rabbi Yehoshua: “From the day God destroyed the Holy Temple, there is no day without curse,
This week, in the Creation story, we read about the creation of man. Adam is given one command, not to eat of the fruit of
Is it the threat to Israel? No. Is it worldwide anti-Semitism? No. The great tragedy destroying the Jewish people is assimilation. Some scholars believe we
Let’s begin with the beautiful words of the Chayei Adam: “It is by reason of His great love for His people, Israel, that the Holy
One of the fundamental teachings of Judaism is the idea that there is meaning in all historical events. This meaning refers to a divine design,
Modern Orthodoxy. Either you are modern or you are Orthodox, my friend Josh Notkin taught me. If you are Orthodox, then that must be the
“If being Jewish doesn’t make you happy, you’re doing it wrong,” I once heard said. Why are we taught acceptance of the yoke of Torah,
You have to daven. We have to pray. But why? Why do we have to daven? We’re taught because it’s Jewish law. Why do we
Rav Joseph Soloveitchik, zt”l once delivered a marvelous shiur regarding the great controversy between the Pharisees and the Sadducees. In the 23rd chapter of Vayikra
The central paradigm of the Jewish religion is redemption. The Jewish religion is founded on the divine assurance and human belief that the world will