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September 19, 2024
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Linking Northern and Central NJ, Bronx, Manhattan, Westchester and CT

Mordechai Schmutter

Mordechai Schmutter is a freelance writer and a humor columnist for Hamodia and other magazines. He has also published seven books and does stand-up comedy. You can contact him at [email protected].

Articles by Mordechai Schmutter

New Heights

Most people think of Manhattan as a serious, business-like city full of offices and smelly food carts, but in truth, it was always designed with

Just a Scratch

Itching can be so irritating. You know? Especially since most of it takes place on parts of our body that we can’t actually reach, such

International Laundry Day

Now that Tisha B’Av is over, we can finally do all the things that we couldn’t do for the past few weeks. We can go

Safety Statistics

We’re all very backwards when it comes to safety. We see people get hurt doing something, and we say, “Well, I guess I should never

Old Jokes

I’m getting older, and nobody cares. I’ve been getting older for a while now, but I haven’t said anything, because I was kind of hoping

Souvenir Shopping

France has always seemed like a nice place to visit, because a lot of important French history happened there, such as… I don’t know, the

Taking Requests

It’s summertime, time to pack up your car and drive to some destination—it doesn’t matter what destination, as long as you get to stay in

Setting Up Camp

Now that it’s almost the summer, it’s about time you started thinking about camp for your kids. Actually, it probably would have been better to

Park Row

Today’s article is about the most recent feud between England and America. England and America have always been having feuds, going back to—well, who really

Seat Politics

Frequent readers of my column will know that I don’t really follow politics. And the same goes for shul politics. But just this week, I

Jokes About Jokes

One of the most common questions people ask me, once they figure out that I’m not as funny in person, is when my next book