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September 19, 2024
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Mordechai Schmutter

Mordechai Schmutter is a freelance writer and a humor columnist for Hamodia and other magazines. He has also published seven books and does stand-up comedy. You can contact him at [email protected].

Articles by Mordechai Schmutter

Whatsisname’s Yarmulka

Today’s topic is: Name yarmulkas—good idea or bad idea? To be honest, it’s a weird idea. My kids aren’t allowed to come to yeshiva wearing

Not So Phone-y

Most of my readers picture me as a happy-go-lucky guy who for some reason has recently become obsessed with his back. But beneath it all,

I’m Right on the Block

Today I have great news for all you parents out there who have kids who are very into Lego and who may have recently made

Greasy Inventions

As a nation, we’re great at coming up with products that should exist and then selling them, especially when it comes to the yomim tovim.

Stretching the Topic

Ever since I wrote a couple of articles this past summer about my herniated disc, readers have been writing in to ask how it’s doing.

Dry Humor

Considering that Earth is such a tiny percentage of the universe, it’s strange that the vast majority of our news stories seem to be about

Kosher to Go

The kosher food industry keeps getting bigger and bigger, no offense. There are new products coming out every day, and it’s hard to keep up.

Dealing With This Garbage

I can never figure out what the garbage men will and won’t take, and I’m pretty sure they keep changing the rules. Wait. Can I

Money vs. Happiness

Today I have some depressing news from the Office of National Statistics in England. According to the ONS, “Wealthier people have a greater sense of