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September 19, 2024
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Mordechai Schmutter

Mordechai Schmutter is a freelance writer and a humor columnist for Hamodia and other magazines. He has also published seven books and does stand-up comedy. You can contact him at [email protected].

Articles by Mordechai Schmutter

Mostly Eggs

I feel like Pesach shopping is basically a scavenger hunt with a very specific list. You have all these things you need to buy so

Exit Tax

Every year I write a tax column, for tax purposes. I know that we all have to pay taxes, because that’s how we all chip

As Simple as EGS

My kids’ yeshiva always has parent-teacher conferences a Sunday or two before Pesach, for some reason. It’s very annoying, because I’m pretty busy that day.

Scraping By

As a writer, I tend to spend a lot of time cleaning, mostly to push off writing articles. Except before Pesach, when I write articles

A Gantz Yahr Purim Torah

This week I’m going to take the time to address a question that everybody has about Purim: Dear Mordechai, Why on earth is Purim a

On the Other Hand

I would like to convey a yashar koach to Mitchell First on his recent article about the meaning of “tishkach yemini” (“‘If I Forget You,

Criminal Innovations

We’re always talking about new innovations in the field of science and art, but there are also new innovations in the field of being a

Active Imagination

Today we bring you some exciting news in the field of exercise. (Yes, the field of exercise. I picture an actual field where people exercise,

Pushing Off Homework

People are always asking me the benefits of working at home. Well, that’s not true. No one talks to me, because I work at home.

Real-Life Mysteries

One of the weirdest things about putting on your coat or jacket after months of not wearing it is all the weird things you find

Speak of Nothing

It’s almost January 16, and do you know what day that is? That’s right: It’s National Nothing Day. Don’t pretend. You did not know that.

Partying Hard

My son was chosen to give out nosh at Shabbos party this week. And by “chosen,” I think I mean “alphabetically.” I don’t think they