We Thought It Would Be Different. We Thought Wrong.
We incorrectly assumed that a barbaric massacre, rape, torture and kidnapping of innocents would provoke worldwide sympathy and awaken moral clarity. Some situations are so
We incorrectly assumed that a barbaric massacre, rape, torture and kidnapping of innocents would provoke worldwide sympathy and awaken moral clarity. Some situations are so
Hashem gifted us with imagination. It allows us to reach beyond reality and envision “possibility.” Our imaginations conjure images which our optical eyes cannot observe.
What are the core beliefs for religious Jews, sometimes referred to as Religious Zionists, who also view Medinat Israel as authored by Hashem? The radical
Everything was at stake. From Avraham’s love for his son to his reputation as a man of God — it was all on the line.
to Avraham was selected by Hashem to transform a dark pagan world by educating them about a “one God.” For thousands of years, Hashem’s presence
Sometimes, we confuse our terminology. The term “humanism” is often misunderstood and is often confused with related terms such as liberalism and individualism. Unfortunately, this
Scientific revolutions often lead to cultural upheaval. Our current information revolution has altered almost every aspect of human experience, and it will take decades to
There are few mitzvot as colorful or as diverse as the lovely bouquet of the lulav. All four natural minim in the lulav arrangement are
Evidently, religious crimes have a color! Encouraging us to penitence, Yeshayahu the prophet exhorts us to whiten our “red” sins: “If your sins are like
“All of humanity pass before You as sheep …” On Rosh Hashanah, Hashem reviews all human behavior, scrutinizes our inner hearts and determines our fate
The tochacha section of Parshat Ki Tavo depicts horrifying scenes of wretched human suffering. As divine retribution for our ongoing national infidelity, we plummet into
September 11 was a global trauma. Thousands of people lost their lives and millions of others saw both their theories of religion and their notions