Yosef the Closer, the Continuer and The Need to Internalize Impermanence
Just when you think that the story is over, there always seems to be more. As we read the epic tale of Joseph, Yosef HaTzadik,
Just when you think that the story is over, there always seems to be more. As we read the epic tale of Joseph, Yosef HaTzadik,
As soon as the shofar is blown after Neilah, there’s one thing I’m typically thinking about (in addition to my break fast meal): Sukkot. After
“it’s 3:23 in the morning and I can’t sleep because my great great grandchildren ask me in dreams what did you do while the earth
Editor’s note: As of this writing, a post containing this story has received thousands of views, likes, and shares on LinkedIn and other platforms.
“Spread the light” and “light up the darkness” are the messages we hear so much this time of year when it comes to Chanukah. From
Staples is trying to undo a classic American phrase. All over the radio and internet, Staples keeps telling us as they peddle folders, pens and
Each year as spring arrives, Jewish people memorialize. From Yizkor on Pesach, to Yom HaShoah and Yom HaZikaron, we say prayers that allow us to
July and August were not filled with the usual type of adventures this year. This year’s days of summer were filled with guidelines, memos, Zooms