Speak Up! Your Voice Matters
In Parshat Vayeira this week, we read about a fascinating interaction between Avraham and Hashem. Undoubtedly, Hashem is our ultimate judge. And yet, Avraham—a mere
In Parshat Vayeira this week, we read about a fascinating interaction between Avraham and Hashem. Undoubtedly, Hashem is our ultimate judge. And yet, Avraham—a mere
With Pesach so recently in the rear view mirror, the memories created are still at the top of my mind. As a head of school,
After years of practice, the moment arrives. It is the time for which you have prepared, the shift to when all the practicing actually counts.
We all have heard the expression, “(t)he perfect is the enemy of the good.” As a longtime educator and current head of school, I think