Striving Higher
If my memory serves me correctly, which it generally doesn’t these days, it was about 25 years ago that I typed and emailed a dvar
If my memory serves me correctly, which it generally doesn’t these days, it was about 25 years ago that I typed and emailed a dvar
Dedicated to the refuah sheleimah of Ahuva Leah bas Yosifa Beracha A few weeks ago, the Shabbat Project was marked throughout the Jewish world. Jews
Last week, I had two packages to send out. One was a bar mitzvah gift for a friend’s son; the other was a thank you
On December 25, 2017, my yeshiva, Heichal HaTorah in Teaneck, hosted a grandfather-grandson morning of Torah learning. It was beautiful and touching to see grandfathers
On Yom Kippur last month all day long I couldn’t stop thinking about Titus. That may sound strange since Titus is one of the infamous
A few years ago, my wife took our younger children to one of the local Jewish-owned shoe stores to buy shoes. The store had a
Dedicated in loving memory of my uncle Shmuel Kohn, R’ Shmuel Chaim ben Rav Yakov Meir a”h, a long-time Teaneck resident who often told me
Sometimes, it’s the simplest events that leave the greatest impressions. Several summers ago, a camper crossed the line and needed to be disciplined. I was
I have been attending summer camp for over three decades. I have been a camper, masmid, office boy, junior counselor, counselor, learning rebbe, head waiter,
I wonder if others have had this experience too. Before Tisha B’Av, I was listening to a lecture about the importance of being nosei b’ol
There are certain phrases, motions and actions that instantly become catchphrases. They may have been non-existent one day, and then the next day everyone seems
America takes sports quite seriously. Baseball is our national pastime, and basketball and hockey are not too shabby. The Super Bowl is the most viewed