Where the Omer Came From and Where Chodosh Is Prohibited
Included in the section of the holidays in Parshas Emor is the Omer offering (Vayikra 23:9-13), followed (23:14) by the prohibition against eating the new
Included in the section of the holidays in Parshas Emor is the Omer offering (Vayikra 23:9-13), followed (23:14) by the prohibition against eating the new
The Torah describes the Land of Israel as “a land [where] milk and honey flows” numerous times, although its appearance in Parshas Kedoshim is the
“Ten miracles were done for our ancestors by the sea” (Avos 5:4). One of the miracles was Go-d splitting the Yam Suf (Sea of Reeds))
As I discussed last week, Sefer Vayikra consists mostly of numerous communications between God and Moshe, with some taking place on Mt. Sinai and others
Sefer Vayikra consists primarily of commandments, with a bit of narrative here and there. Some of the commandments were taught in the Mishkan, and some
Sefer Vayikra opens with God calling Moshe from the Mishkan (Vayikra 1:1), and telling him to speak to the Children of Israel (1:2) about the
Last week, I explained why arguments supporting Mt. Sinai being in Saudi Arabia aren’t convincing, and gave a reason why it’s unlikely to be there.
One of the arguments supporting the notion that Mt. Sinai is in Saudi Arabia is that Moshe was living in מדין when he first went
Part I Many who visited Jabal Musa (“Moses’ Mountain”) on the Sinai Peninsula in the 1970’s (before Israel gave it back to Egypt) brought back
Although there are slight variations (depending on the source), the timeline surrounding the sin of the golden calf starts with Moshe ascending Mt. Sinai on
Last week, I discussed three possible solutions to the math problem presented by the location of the pillars on the perimeter of the Mishkan. In
The courtyard of the Mishkan was 100 אמות long and 50 אמות wide (Shemos 27:18), with the perimeter (besides the entranceway) enclosed by קלעים (lace-like