Is the Five-Hour Wait Legitimate?
Yeshiva vs. Family Tradition Last year, a TABC student asked: My brother returned from a year of learning in Israel’s Yeshivat Har Etzion (Gush),
Yeshiva vs. Family Tradition Last year, a TABC student asked: My brother returned from a year of learning in Israel’s Yeshivat Har Etzion (Gush),
In TABC’s 12C halacha shiur, we have been taking a deep dive into the halachot of basar b’chalav (meat and milk). We are proud to
In the Beginning or The Beginning of? It is a famous mistranslation of the Torah’s first pasuk. The King James translation incorrectly writes “Bereishit Bara
Hashem Is Seeming Insensitive to Moshe Rabbeinu! Congregation Shaarei Orah’s Menachem Bestoff and Joel Mizrahi raise a poignant question. They note that Hashem seems exceedingly
Was Yitzchak a willing participant in the Akedah? Two great commentators to the Chumash, the Radak and Ibn Ezra, debate this question. The Radak (Bereishit
It is a large theological (hashkafic) problem! Hashem initially seems to instruct Avraham Avinu to offer Yitzchak Avinu as a korban (sacrifice) and, subsequently, instructs
The Sages of Aragon’s Question Later generations obligate earlier ones. How can that be? Nonetheless, Devarim 29:14 records Moshe Rabbeinu—including those present and those not
If you spent time in Israel this summer, you likely visited Chizkiyahu’s water tunnel in Yerushalayim. Let us explore the spiritual significance of this spectacular
Many prominent authorities (including Rav Yosef Shalom Eliashiv, Kovetz Teshuvot 1:32 and Rav Moshe Shternbuch, Teshuvot VeHanhagot 1:459) understand the Chafetz Chaim in his Likutei
Practicality It is a striking halacha that a melech must carry a Torah wherever he goes. The first question regards feasibility. It does seem overly
Meisit Treated More Harshly Than a Navi Sheker Devarim, perek 13 describes two different types of people who try to influence us to serve avodah
Uncomfortable Memories Recalling moments of discomfort and hunger in a motivational speech seems out of place. Yet, sefer Devarim (8:1-4) records Moshe Rabbeinu sharing memories