March 6, 2025

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Beth Abraham to Honor Ross and Wiederkehr Families at Annual Dinner

In a community abounding in shuls such as our own, it is amazing that somehow families are able to identify the one that best meets their religious and social expectations. Obviously, such is the case with the Ross and Wiederkehr families, whose affiliations with Bergenfield’s Congregation Beth Abraham have indeed been marriages made in heaven. This is evidenced most recently by their designation as honorees at the upcoming Beth Abraham dinner on June 20.

In a testimony by the Wiederkehrs, “What inspires us about being members of Beth Abraham is first and foremost the inspirational leadership of Rav and Rebbetzin Neuberger. We are truly blessed to have them heading our kehilla. They are joined by Rav and Rebbetzin Tanchum and Yaffa Cohen and more recently by Rav and Rebbetzin Moshe Tzvi and Alisa Weinberg who together heighten the spirituality of the congregation. In addition, our fellow members of Beth Abraham inspire us with their involvement in chesed and chinuch.”

Dr. Michael and Jennifer Wiederkehr joined Beth Abraham shortly after moving their family to Bergenfield in 2003. It was immediately discovered that Dr. Michael was gifted with a beautiful voice and impressive nusach ha’tefillah. He has inspired the davening on many a Shabbat, Yom Tov and even Yomim Noraim to the great appreciation of the kehilla. His participation in the executive committee of the shul for the past six years has included serving as gabbai, first vice president and secretary. He has been in the forefront of some of the shul’s most popular events, including the Eitan Katz Selichot Concert and the Simchat Beit Hashoeva. Dr. Michael is available to assist Beth Abraham whenever the call comes in.

There are many other calls that Dr. Michael fields in his professional life, where he serves as the medical director of dermatology and skin surgery, as well as directing a private practice in dermatology in Bergen County. Dr. Michael also serves the community as vice president of the Rosenbaum Yeshiva of North Jersey. He and his wife, Jennifer, are involved in other vital organizations including Chesed 24/7, Yeshivat Shaalvim and the Orthodox Union.

Jennifer Wiederkehr incorporates her community involvement into her busy life as a mother to six children. She has served on the board of directors of Beth Abraham and participates in planning the Simchat Torah Luncheon and organizing shiva meals. The Wiederkehrs are outstanding in terms of their Hachnasat Orchim and support of limud ha’Torah, which “help ensure that our community learn and grow. They are most deserving guests of honor who continue to enrich our community,” the shul said in a statement.

The Max Sternbach Service Award was endowed by Magda Sterbach in memory of her husband who was one of the “Founding Fathers” of Beth Abraham. This year’s awardees are Rabbi Dr. Aaron and Tzippy Ross. Beginning with their relocation from Washington Heights in 2001 to the present, their involvement with and commitment to the youth of Beth Abraham is boundless. First serving as youth director and currently chairing the youth committee as second vice president, Rabbi Ross has developed and implemented the popular and meaningful Friday night seder following Kabbalat Shabbat as well as the popular Shabbat learning (MSL) program. He delivers a highly regarded shiur in Rambam after the hashkama minyan on Shabbat and has recently joined the adult education committee through which he has invited exceptional personalities to address Beth Abraham as well as the entire community. Rabbi Ross engages in harbatzat Torah of the highest order in his professional role as middle school assistant principal at Yavneh Academy where they are proud to include such a consummate educator and Torah scholar in their administration.

Tzippy Ross is a consummate Torah educator as well. She is a highly regarded limudei kodesh instructor at Ramaz. Tzippy’s mission is to ensure that the women of Bergen County are afforded ample opportunities for limud Torah on a serious level. She has spearheaded the shiurim offered to the women of Beth Abraham on Shabbat Hagadol, Shabbat Shuva and Simchat Torah, in addition to running the MSL program with Rabbi Ross.

The five Ross children have learned chesed and hospitality from their parents, who are involved as well in the Meet the Members Dinner Committee at Beth Abraham. The Ross children have been known to be involved and even lead community activities as they have seen modeled by their parents. “We are fortunate to have benefited from the Ross’ largesse for so many years, and look forward to their leadership for many years to come,” said the shul’s statement to The Jewish Link.

In accepting this honor, the Rosses pay tribute to “Rabbi and Rebbetzin Neuberger for inspiring us and our children to always strive to be better Yirei Shamayim. They, along with with Rabbi and Rebbetzin Cohen, set a tone of commitment to Torah growth for themselves and the entire kehilla. We look to them for guidance in how we raise our children and are grateful to them for always being available for counsel.”

Congregation Beth Abraham’s 21st annual dinner will take place at Congregation Keter Torah on Monday, June 20. In addition to the tributes to the honorees, there will be an expression of gratitude to Rav and Rebbetzin Neuberger as part of the Scroll of Honor. For additional information, please visit

By Pearl Markovitz

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