February 18, 2025

Linking Northern and Central NJ, Bronx, Manhattan, Westchester and CT

Biale Rebbe of Bnei Brak to Visit Teaneck and Englewood

(Courtesy of Biale Bnei Brak) Hardly a year has passed since the Biale Rebbe of Bnei Brak has visited Teaneck, yet hundreds are excitedly anticipating the return of their revered Rebbe. Each year when the Rebbe arrives at the house in Teaneck at the house where he lodges, the place becomes a public source of attraction as hundreds of people of various standards and types gather. The house becomes a hive of activity as lawyers, doctors, lay leaders, rabbis, educators and teachers, ranging from Hassidic to modern orthodox mingle as they flock to the Rebbe’s house. From early morning until the small hours of the night the streets resound with miraculous tales of unnatural miracles seen and experienced firsthand as a result of the Rebbe’s blessing.

Recently, large rallies of prayer were held throughout the world. Thousands prayed for the Rebbe to heal from his illness. The Rebbe was hospitalized following a heart attack where he received medical treatment. From all over people were heard praying for the Rebbe’s well-being. Rabbis called to their congregations to pray for the Rebbe, young and old were united in tearing the heavens apart for “their” Rebbe.

What is his secret? What is it that pulls so many people to seek his presence again and again? What is it that causes thousands of people from different backgrounds, people with no semblance to Chassidim, to cleave to the Rebbe with all their might, involving him in every move they take in life?

The power of the Rebbe’s blessing is well known. Many have their own unbelievable story to share. Two years ago, the Rebbe received the public in the home of a well known businessman who was close to reaching his 40th birthday, a bachelor. Prior to bidding him farewell the host brought the Rebbe a bottle of whisky wishing to drink l’chaim with the Rebbe. The Rebbe returned the bottle saying, “Save this whisky for next year. Next year when I will return we will drink l’chaim together with your wife! The following year, at the time of the Rebbe’s visit to Manhattan this young man was a newlywed of one week!!!

An honorable rabbi relates as follows: “I was in contact with a couple, a chasan and kallah who had a certain problem of whom no one beside for the couple and myself knew about. Prior their wedding they went to receive a blessing from the Biale Rebbe. The Rebbe who had never met them before informed them of their problem. Ever since, I have yet to make a decision without consulting the Rebbe!”

Many young couples who were having shalom bayis issues and with the Rebbe’s mentoring restored marital harmony and happiness to their homes. These stories mingle with stories of businessmen who reaped great success after receiving the Rebbe’s blessing. Childless couples who had all but lost hope were blessed with children. People who were being harassed by the legal system and could not sleep at night from fear were miraculously straightened out after receiving the Rebbe’s blessing. So, it is really no surprise or wonder at the crowds waiting to meet the Rebbe.

The Rebbe, shlita

Twenty-two years ago, The Rebbe was barely in his early thirties when the yoke of leadership of Biale Chassidus Bnei Brak was thrust upon him. His greatness and guidance reached far beyond the borders of Bnei Brak as the Rebbe chose to draw his brethren from all over the world close to him by encouraging and helping them. The Rebbe is leader and mentor of a most respectable chassidus, which is centrally based in Bnei Brak and has branches in Jerusalem, Beitar Eilit, Ashdod, Bet Shemesh and Modiin Eilit. This has added a new/old hue to the leadership of Biale chassidus. Every day hundreds of people from varying backgrounds, Sephardim and Ashkenazim alike, ultra Orthodox and those who have just donned a kipa, all stream to one address. This young Rebbe who was barely elected as Rebbe opened his door and his heart to the whole of klal Yisrael. He welcomes them with his compassionate heart and warm smile. People enter his room carrying a heavy load of troubles and worries and when they leave they are lighthearted and hopeful.

Biale Chassidus’ holy lineage stems from the holy sage Rabbi Yaakov Yitzchok from Peshischa. This revered tzaddik lived some 200 years ago and was known to all as the Holy Jew— the “Yid Hakadosh” from Peshischa. He was a disciple of the holy Chozeh of Lublin who was the fourth generation of disciples of the holy Baal Shem Tov. The Yid Hakadosh was the greatest of Polish rabbis, and the rabbi to the leaders of Gur, Kotzk, Alexander and other great luminaries. Generations of tzaddikim in succession continued the tradition of the Yid Hakadosh. This chain was continued from father to son until the flame was rekindled in our generation by the holy tzaddik and Rebbe, Reb Yechiel Yehoshua from Biale, may his holy memory be blessed. He was the grandfather of our revered Rebbe, a direct descendent, fifth generation of the Yid Hakadosh.

The Chelkas Yehoshua

Prewar Poland boasted of the Rebbe’s grandfather, Reb Yechiel Yehoshua ztzk”l as one of its greatest leaders. However, his fame reached a pinnacle during the terrible holocaust when he uncompromisedly sanctified Hashem’s name, first in occupied Poland and later in the freezing Siberia. His selflessness was indescribable. When he reached Israel all the great rabbis acknowledged him as a great tzaddik.

The Lahavas Dovid

Next in line was the Rebbe’s father, the holy Rabbi Dovid Mattisyahu ztzk”l. He was renowned and famous for his purity and greatness. During his lifetime, his father appointed him as head of yeshivas Biale. During his travels throughout the world he revived the broken hearted with his moving prayers and heartfelt talks. People were drawn to him from afar. His tall handsome profile reminded many of his holy father’s image.

The Rebbe continues to tow this beautiful golden chain. However, he does not suffice with leading his own community. He is concerned about the welfare of all of klal Yisrael. Several times a year he leaves the comforts of his home and visits countries and communities where no other chassidic rebbe has ever spent a Shabbos before. He embraces those who have strayed. He strengthens, encourages, motivates and directs until another Jew has found his way back to our Father in Heaven.

Following the ways of his ancestors up to the Baal Shem Tov, the Rebbe travels from town to town and searches for lost souls. Every Jew he meets receives individual attention and guidance. The Rebbe recognizes the spark however dim that is aflame within every Jew and all he asks is that the Jew accept upon himself one mitzvah. In this way he rekindles the flame and this is the merit behind the many blessings which are fulfilled.

The Father of Orphans

The Rebbe’s institutions are famous throughout Israel. The center is based in Bnei Brak, and there are branches all over the country. However, his favorite project is the welfare of “his” orphans. The Rebbe is father to 15 biological children and more grandchildren. However, hundreds of children throughout the world call him “Father”. Amongst the many institutions which are under his auspices is the yeshiva gevoah called Mishkan Shimon Biale which is situated in Beitar Eilit. Batei Midrash and kollels for young men are spread out all over Israel. However, the institution for widows and orphans are under the Rebbe’s direct administration. This fund supports the widows and orphans studying in the Rebbe’s institutions. The desolate orphans receive everything they need of the best quality and quantity. This includes clothing, shoes, scholarship, dorm service and of course pocket money. All this is naught compared to the personal attention the Rebbe bestows upon them. As far as the Rebbe is concerned they are his fully adopted children. His house is their house, their worries become his own. The Rebbe sees to them even before his own family.

Biale Institutions in Israel

For many years the Rebbe’s “children” reside in an old building in the town of Beitar Eilit which is close to Jerusalem. The building lies in close proximity to the borderline and faces directly the Arab town Hussan. The town is part of the “occupied territories” in an old dilapidated building which leaks when it rains. The Rebbe decided: No more! and is leading the building of a new campus in the heart of Beitar Eilit. The campus will include spacious classrooms, computer and game rooms, a fully equipped dormitory and a modern kitchen.

This is in addition to a huge chesed center that is being built nearby. The Rebbe is renowned for his acts of chesed. Truckloads containing everything possible are sent on every erev chag to provide the needy with everything they need for Yom Tov. Clothing, shoes, fish, meat, chicken, goodies and last but not least a hefty check.

Around the Clock

As day turns to dusk in New York, the phones in Israel become alive! Now it is the Jews of Israel’s turn. They call non-stop asking the Rebbe for blessings and advice. Then when the Rebbe returns to Israel it is the yidden in Los Angeles, New York, Miami and New Jersey who are calling. Hundreds of emails are sent to the Rebbe’s office daily, and the Rebbe devotes precious hours to answer them personally. He carries these requests with him and remembers them in his daily prayers, and when he prays at his forefathers’ gravesite. The burden becomes his own. He is with them in their sorrow and delights in their happiness.

Education and Marital Happiness

Amongst his other vast talents is the Rebbe’s deep understanding in matters of education. Parents worldwide call him for advice in education dilemmas. Very often the Rebbe’s advice leaves the parents in surprise. Yet it is this very unique approach which eventually brings about a positive change to the entire family. Homes which were full of strife and angst are now happy, warm nests. So too, many issues of marital distress were solved by applying the Rebbe’s insightful advice.

The Rebbe even has an interesting hobby. He like to take an active part in finding a match for those looking to get married and establish a new Jewish home.

The Rebbe’s Lodging

These days are happy days for the residents of New Jersey as they are anxiously preparing to meet once again with their beloved Rebbe. The Rebbe will be staying in Teaneck, from Sunday, March 31, at the house of the honorable hosts.

Mr. and Mrs. Shlomo and Ronit Levy
400 Edgewood Avenue
Teaneck, NJ 07666

Now the residents of New Jersey have this unique opportunity. If you have not yet had the merit of meeting the Rebbe and would like to book an appointment for a personal consultation, a blessing or advice call the Rebbe’s private secretary now! (English speaking) telephone no. 917-272-40-45.

Or send an email to [email protected] 

Waiting to hear from you!

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