BPY continued their Adar fun this week in school. Some highlights of this week’s Adar festivities included the commencement of the middle school Adar Takanon, complete with rules like no homework Thursdays, and a mandate to complete the Adar themed Wordle sent by Morah Shoshana each morning. Pajama day was such a hit, especially when it ended up being the snowiest day of school so far. The EC students also dressed up in their favorite storybook characters. They kicked off the Adar raffle, already raising hundreds of dollars. BPY has over 40 prizes that elementary and middle school students are extremely excited about the chance to win. On Wednesday evening, fifth grade students read the Megillah. They learned about the many mitzvot of Purim and how to read the Megillah with טעמים, trop. They also organized a bake sale in which all the money raised will go to tzedaka to fulfill the mitzvah of מתנות לאביונים. Kol hakavod! The middle school “anything but a backpack day” was definitely a memorable day this week.