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March 9, 2023

The Torah Shebe’al Peh

Editor’s note: This series is reprinted with permission from “Insights & Attitudes: Torah Essays on Fundamental Halachic and Hashkafic Issues,” a publication of TorahWeb.org. The

The Politics of Compassion

A well-known American author asserted: “argue for your limitations and they become yours.” We trap ourselves in narrow self-defined profiles—convincing ourselves that once we possess

A Jealous God?

Keil Kana Describing Hashem as a “Keil Kana—a jealous God” in Parshat Ki Tisa (Shemot 34:14), seems unflattering. Avot 4:21 states that jealousy, (unbridled) desire

Determined Patience

Anticipation, waiting, looking forward. It is a difficult task to do these patiently, remaining focused on the goal and willing to wait for it, however

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