(Courtesy of Bris Avrohom) On Thursday, the 12th of Tammuz, a gathering was held at Bris Avrohom to commemorate the liberation of the previous Rebbe. The event began with a siyum on Meseches Shabbos, learned by Rabbi Avremy Kanelsky in memory of Barbara Felzenberg, z”l. Rabbi Avremy Kanelsky brought insights of the Rebbe pertaining to the mesechta he completed.
A farbrengen followed, where Rabbi Mordechai Kanelsky spoke of the great miracles of God in liberating the previous Rebbe in 1927, and the message of the Rebbe who stated that the liberation was not only a personal one, but rather each Jew has a part in the liberation. Rabbi Kanelsky then shared stories of the Rebbe.

A festive meal was served, sponsored by the Felzenberg family.
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