The competition was fierce Thursday and Friday as the Bruriah students went head-to-head in an unforgettable Chanukah Color War. Each grade gave it their all, with the Bruriah ruach and achdus on full display. With freshmen Rachelli Pollack and Temima Riva Weinstein leading Team Ohr, sophomores Dina Zanziper and Elky Bernhaut leading Team Neis, juniors Atara Milgraum and Tamar Korn leading Team Maccabee, and seniors Sarah Silberman and Sarah Breuer leading Team Menorah, each team gave it their all.
Day one kicked off with high-energy team relay races where teams pushed themselves to their limit. Next up was the Brachos Bee, featuring some very challenging questions. The action continued with a series of Minute-to-Win-It activities where each team showed off their quick thinking and fast reflexes. Then, lunch was accompanied by a hilarious Bruriah-themed improv session. After lunch, each team gathered for team meetings, followed by Mincha and meaningful “Mincha Minute” divrei Torah. The students wrapped up the day with each team presenting their teams posters, stomps and cheers, each of which showcased the enormous creativity and achdus of the Bruriah student body.
Day two of Color War continued with a rigorous Torah Bowl competition. Teams faced off in a challenging series of questions demonstrating their vast knowledge of Tanach. Then came the closing ceremonies where each team proudly presented their team’s banners and songs, a culmination of two days of teamwork.
Congratulations to Team Neis on their well-deserved victory!