With no school over Thanksgiving break, Bruriah students celebrated Rosh Chodesh Kislev one day early because there was no way they could give up experiencing a Bruriah Rosh Chodesh together. In honor of Rosh Chodesh Kislev, students were treated to a delicious breakfast complete with a coffee/hot cocoa bar, an array of cereals, fruit and delicious muffins. Later, students enjoyed an uplifting Niggun Lishma program, organized by 12th grader Chaya Bernhaut and 11th grader Shira Lejtman. Rabbi Chayim Gerson began the Niggun Lishma with an inspiring dvar Torah about appreciating the light of Chanukah and bringing forth our own light to brighten the world. Following his dvar Torah, students led a beautiful kumzitz together and enjoyed delicious cholent made by 11th graders Aliza Hook and Bella Mandel. This Rosh Chodesh program kicked off what is sure to be an epic month of inspiring Kislev celebrations at Bruriah High School.