Community Calendar March 5th
Motzei Shabbat March 7th Ma’ayanot Yeshiva High School for Girls Annual Scholarship Fund Dinner 8:30pm Congregation Keter Torah 800 Roemer Avenue TeaneckHonoring Rena and Menachem
Motzei Shabbat March 7th Ma’ayanot Yeshiva High School for Girls Annual Scholarship Fund Dinner 8:30pm Congregation Keter Torah 800 Roemer Avenue TeaneckHonoring Rena and Menachem
Shabbat February 21 Congregation Keter Torah 600 Roemer Ave Teaneck Hashkama Shiur on “Living on Purpose: Why on Earth are we here?” Rabbi David Aaron,
COMMUNITY CALENDAR SHABBAT FEBRUARY 13th and 14TH Cong. Rinat Yisrael Adult Education will host Rabbi Chanoch Waxman of Yeshivat Har Etzion in Israel as its
HABBAT FEBRUARY 7th The 5th annual Bonnie Berman Yahrzeit Shiur 3:00PM Congregation Zichron Mordechai (389 West Englewood Avenue-right off Windsor Road). Rabbi Simcha Schaum will
Shabbat Friday January 30th JOFA Community Dinner @ The Bayit (HIR) followed by a post-dessert chat featuring JOFA founder and Bayit member Blu Greenberg, JOFA
Shabbat January 17th CB Neugroschl Head of School Mincha 4:20PM Congregation Netivot Shalom, 811 Palisade Avenue Teaneck Head of School, Yeshiva University High School for
Motzei Shabbat January 24th Wine Making/ Grape Growing during Shmittah Congregation Shomrei Emunah 89 Huguenot Avenue Englewood Hillel Manne from the Beit El Winery will
Motzei Shabbat Jan 3 Jewish Learning Experience Annual Dinner 7:45PM Temple Beth Shalom 40-25 Fair Lawn Ave Fairlawn Honoring Ken Goffstein and featuring musical entertainment
Motzei Shabbat Jan 3 Jewish Learning Experience Annual Dinner 7:45PM Temple Beth Shalom 40-25 Fair Lawn Ave Fairlawn Honoring Ken Goffstein and featuring musical entertainment
Thursday, December 18th Community Wide Chanukah Youth Event 6:30PM – 8:00PM Congregation Keter Torah 600 Roemer Avenue Featuring the Chicago Boyz Acrobatic Team. $10 per
Erev Shabbat and Shabbat December 12 and 13 Erev Shabbat Congregation Beth Abrahm 8:15PM 396 New Bridge Road Charlie Harary will speak in commemoration of
Thursday, December 18th Community Wide Chanukah Youth Event 6:30PM – 8:00PM Congregation Keter Torah 600 Roemer Avenue Featuring the Chicago Boyz Acrobatic Team. $10 per