Empty Chairs at Empty Tables
There’s a grief that can’t be spoken, There’s a pain goes on and on Here they sang about tomorrow And tomorrow never came Phantom faces
There’s a grief that can’t be spoken, There’s a pain goes on and on Here they sang about tomorrow And tomorrow never came Phantom faces
The Zamir Chorale and Zamir Noded, conducted by Maestro Matthew Lazar, present a benefit concert for HaZamir Israel (part of HaZamir: The International Jewish Teen
When focusing on unique internal skills, we can empower students to develop personalized and resilient self-talk to boost executive-function skills by giving them the tools
The Bronx Jewish Center at Pelham Parkway will host a wonderful live Chanukah concert on Sunday, Dec. 10 starring the world famous Maccabeats. Festivities will
On November 21, the Young Israel of New Rochelle hosted the Westchester Jewish community to hear Or Yelin’s presentation “Together We Can.” Yelin, a veteran
Argentina’s President-Elect Javier Milei (center) visited the Ohel, the Lubavitcher Rebbe’s resting place in Queens this week to show gratitude for the blessings and inspiration
Motzei Shabbat, December 23, will mark an auspicious date for the broader Teaneck community, when the Bais Medrash of Bergenfield, commonly referred to as BMOB,
Women’s Initiative for Jewish Studies (WIJS) at Young Israel of New Rochelle is proud to present Abigail H. Meyer on Tuesday, December 5, at 8:15
Following on the heels of the massive rally in Washington, Ohr Torah Stone (OTS) held a webinar via Zoom on Nov. 15. “A Night of
Before 2002, the neighboring towns of Briarcliff Manor and Ossining in Westchester County had no Chabad presence. However, that changed when Rabbi Dovid Labkowski and
(Courtesy of Bris Avrohom) On Monday, the 14th of Kislev, a special celebration was held at Cheder Yaldei Menachem to mark the 95th wedding anniversary
(Courtesy of Bris Avrohom) The Retired Policeman and Firemen Association Inc. of Union County invited Rabbi Kanelsky to speak and gave a donation of $500