OU Women’s Initiative Weekend Features Sivan Rahav-Meir
During the course of Shabbat Shuva weekend, September 14-16, the OU Women’s Initiative featured Israeli journalist, primetime news reporter, publicist and TV and radio anchor
During the course of Shabbat Shuva weekend, September 14-16, the OU Women’s Initiative featured Israeli journalist, primetime news reporter, publicist and TV and radio anchor
(Courtesy of Teach Advocacy Network) As the country heads into a most important election cycle in November, Teach Advocacy Network, a nonpartisan organization advocating for
(Courtesy of Jewish Home Family) On Sunday, September 16, the Jewish Home Family marked an important and exciting milestone in its history. Nearly 150 community
(Courtesy of Sparks of Life) Alex Kerten, author of “Goodbye Parkinson’s Hello Life” and founder of the Gyro-Kinetics method for treatment of movement disorders, will
(Courtesy of Kaplen JCC on the Palisades) The Chuck Guttenberg Center for the Physically Challenged at the Kaplen JCC on the Palisades will host its
Prof. Menahem Ben-Sasson, chancellor of Hebrew University, will speak on “The Cairo Genizah: The Window to a Millennium of Unique Jewish Creativity” on Shabbat Chol
October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. The Sisterhood of Temple Emanuel of North Jersey will be recognizing this annual health campaign with a public lecture.
On Monday, October 1, Simchat Torah night, at about 7:30 p.m., following the first hakafa, there will be a program in the Beit Midrash for
Bris Avrohom of Hillside maintains a Jewish information stand at EL AL Airlines in Newark Airport to assist travelers flying to Israel with Tefilat Haderech
(Courtesy of Rachel Coalition) Domestic violence affects every community. It thrives when we are silent, but if we take a stand and work together, we
Jewish Family Service of Central NJ (JFSCNJ), a non-sectarian health and social service agency, will host two free programs in October for individuals who have