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October 20, 2024
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Divrei Torah

A Grave Lesson

Although Parshat Chayei Sarah seems straightforward, questions abound. Why is the narrative of Sarah’s burial appended to the story of finding a wife for Yitzchak?

An Enlightened Kindness

There is performing chesed (kindness) and then there is performing extraordinary chesed. The following story is told by Rabbi Yoel Gold about a family in

The Great Techeilet Debate

Perhaps one of the greatest debates since we were thrown unceremoniously out of Eretz Yisrael is about a part of the Torah that seemingly only

The Noachides

They aren’t Jewish and they aren’t Christian, but they seem to live a sorta-Hebraic life, incorporating many of the beliefs and rituals of Orthodox Judaism

Living the Good Life

The Torah records for us the years of the life of our mother Sarah. Instead of merely stating that she lived 127 years long, it

Life and Death

Why is this week’s parsha called the life of Sarah when it is really more about her death? What happens after we die? Why is

The Altar and the Heart

Avraham has spent his entire career identifying the one God of this diverse universe. He didn’t just detect a Creator through the beauty of nature

Looking Forward to Laughter

This week is the second wedding anniversary of my older brother Binyamin and his wife, Sarah Miriam. They were older singles and the joy at

What Hashem Wants

At the end of Parshat Vayeira we read about the major event in Avraham Avinu’s life. According to most Rishonim, the Akeida is the tenth

Rabbi Sacks and the Stranger

  I. The Problematic Theology of the Stranger Rabbi Jonathan Sacks, zt”l, whose first yahrzeit falls this year on October 26 (20 Cheshvan), opened up

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