Teaching on the Level: Megillah 21a
In Megillah 21a, Rabbi Abahu declares that rebbi and talmid should be at the same physical level. Either teacher and student should sit on a
In Megillah 21a, Rabbi Abahu declares that rebbi and talmid should be at the same physical level. Either teacher and student should sit on a
In this week’s parsha, Va’era, we learn a key point to how to be brought out of exile. The words והוצאתי (and I will take
Do we feel the pain of our Jewish brethren when they are suffering? There is an inherent kinship and caring among the Jewish people. The
For so many across the Jewish world, that name conveys an entire message. Users of All Daf and All Parsha, the two Torah platforms that
As the epidemic continues to unfold, we struggle with extremely complex dilemmas. We are now facing a bizarre and jarring situation in which world Jewry
One of the salient qualities of great leaders is their intolerance for injustice. The gap between how the world ideally ought to be and how
I have a friend who is a talented and experienced rebbi. A few years ago, several people encouraged him to start a new yeshiva high
In Parshat Shemot, while Moshe was shepherding he saw a miraculous event. As he went toward it he unknowingly came into the presence of Hashem.
The title of this week’s parsha and the entire book of the Torah is “Shemot.” Shemot means “names.” For some strange reason, this is typically
Megillah 4a and 4b Why is the Megillah read in Jerusalem on the l5th day of Adar, in New York on the 14th day of
A rosh yeshiva I learned by in Israel once made a very compelling comment. He said to the shiur that if you can’t say it
A few weeks ago we read about Pharaoh’s dream and Yosef’s interpretation. We all remember the seven good cows swallowed up by the seven weak