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October 17, 2024
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Divrei Torah

For Your Benefit

Lech Lecha reminds me of when my father’s first cousin, Rav Avrohom Genechovsky, z’l, “walked” my first cousin and I to see Reb Chaim Kanievsky,

When Lashon Hara Goes Viral

I. Lashon Hara With Legs The idea that derogatory speech can go viral—a post, video or message can be forwarded thousands of times—should more than

Coronavirus #17: Escape From Dystopia

Humanity is constantly searching for a better tomorrow. Dissatisfied with our current reality, we endlessly dream of a better world without hardships and sadness. This

Where Are You Holding?

For many days and nights Noach was on a ship infested with all kinds of animals, having to sacrifice his already minimal comfort to attend

Ethics vs. Etiquette

At the end of Parshat Noach, following the story of the flood, Noach left the ark and planted a vineyard, with disastrous results: “And he

Man, in Whose Image?

After Elul and the High Holidays, Parshat Bereishit comes along with its renewal: A new cycle of Torah reading, A new world emerges out of

What’s the Good Word?

The pasuk (2:15) says, “Hashem took Adam, and placed him in Gan Eden in order that he work it and guard it.” This pasuk seems

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